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Welcoming adult new members to RPHC of all abilities for competitive / social hockey

Welcoming adult new members to RPHC of all abilities for competitive / social hockey

Andy Porter3 Sep 2023 - 09:47
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Come and join our club for ladies, mens and mixed of various standards. New adults benefit from discounted subs in 1st season. Read on for details..

We have 4 Ladies, 6 Mens and a Social Mixed Team as well as a large Junior Section who play hockey over a range of standards and ages.

Training is 7-9pm on Tuesday nights for Ladies and Wednesday nights for men at Hartswood Sports Ground, 160 Dovers Green Rd, Reigate RH2 8BY.

For further information, see other parts of the website and we'd be happy to answer any questions or if you can let us know you're coming to training. Please contact :

- Men – Andy Porter ( )
- Ladies - Ro Cabrera (
- Juniors - click “Join” in the top right corner and fill in all the required details. Our Junior Membership Secretary will be in touch around things and the details. The new junior season restarts in early September and we’re in the off-season now although we are preparing for next season

Further reading